Mr Bernard Ewah
Ag Director, e-Government Development and Regulations, NITDA
Bernard Ewah is the acting director, of e-Government Development and Regulation practices at the interception of tech policy design and public service innovation. He joined NITDA in 2015 with an impressive record of private and public service spanning accounting, banking, entrepreneurship, and IT consulting. Bernard is an alum of the Public Leadership Credential program of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. He is passionate about the role of civic technology in enabling high-impact public policies and programs.
Bernard also passed through the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, University of Massachusetts, Boston and the Sawyer Business School’s Public Service Institute at Suffolk University, Boston. He served as a Project Coordinator at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Public Service Centre, member, board of directors, Community Action Agency of Somerville, member, Head Start Policy Advisory Council and member, of Michael Capuano Early Childhood School’s Strategic Advisory Committee. In his spare time, Bernard is a mentor at Digizens Collaborative Platform, a nonprofit organization focused on sustainable urbanization which he founded in 2018.
Bernard is a member of the UN Global Working Group on Big Data and the National Technical Working Group on Mobile Big Data and is an international speaker on the ethical development and use of big data for sustainable urban development. Follow him @bernewah