Engr (Dr) Janet Adeyemi
CEO, Jabridep/Founder & President Women in Mining (WIM) Nigeria
Engr. (Mrs) Janet Adeyemi is a graduate of Geology from Obafemi Awolowo University (formerly known as University of Ile-Ife). Masters’ degree in Engineering from Loughborough University of Technology, Loughborough, U.K. Ph.D from British Columbus University. Her post degree experience spans over 40 years which has enabled her to work in various capacities with a diverse group of organizations with her broad-based educational qualifications, which includes Law from Nigeria Open University, Grant writing from University of Houston, Gender and Mining Governance from UNDP, IISD& IGF, trained as a Human Rights Consultant from US Institute of Diplomacy and Human Rights and Tulane University in New Orleans. She was recognised awarded a Doctoral degree from Columbus International University, U.K in 2002